About The General Health Baby Massage Course

First and foremost, the Care About Little Ones baby massage course for relaxation and general health is the perfect course for all parents out there who want to pamper their newborns, babies or toddlers!

However, this treatment does more!

Although what I teach you in the Care About Little Ones course resembles a classic baby massage, this treatment is much more effective than a classic baby massage.

And that’s because it is TCM-based. In other words, it includes the stimulation of acupressure points as well as techniques which are applied in reflexology.

On top of that, one part of this course is dedicated to teaching you baby face massage techniques.

The aim of this unique combination is to help your newborn, baby or toddler with general health-related issues.

In fact, the treatment addresses a wide range of typical baby-related problems, particularly gastrointestinal issues and a weak immune system. However, it also includes steps which deal with teething, ear and nose problems and many more.

Moreover, the Care About Little Ones baby massage treatment includes steps which are dedicated to soothing a baby and helping her to settle. It also aims to balance the baby’s autonomous nervous system, which is responsible for stress management and relaxation.

That is why your baby will find this treatment relaxing too. In so far, it can also be applied as part of a daily routine for sleep preparation.

Finally, this treatment has proven very useful as a means of bonding between the baby and the parent.

Watch Intro Video
  • Suitable Age

    Newborns, babies and toddlers (age range: 0-36 months).

  • Contraindications

    As usual for massage treatments, please do not apply this treatment if your baby suffers from increased temperature / fever OR skin problems (f.e. eczema)!

  • Time per Treatment

    This treatment takes between 10:00 and 20:00 minutes, depending on your level of experience.

  • Time Investment

    It takes between 30 minutes and 2 hours to learn the treatment.

  • Required Tools

    Massage Oil for Babies

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome Message

    1. Course Structure & Navigation

    2. The Theory Behind This Course

    3. When To Apply And When Not To Apply This Treatment

    4. How To Prepare The Room And The Baby

    5. How To Deal With Babies Who Do Not Lie Still

    6. Understanding The Signs And Symbols

    7. Download The "Signs and Symbols Guide"

    1. Step 1 - Settling The Baby

    2. Step 2 - Massaging The Baby's Belly

    3. Step 3 - Massaging The Baby's Arms

    4. Step 3.1 - Massaging The Baby's Right Arm

    5. Step 3.2 - Finding The Acupressure Point On The Right Hand

    6. Step 3.3 - Stroking Down The Baby's Right Arm

    7. Step 3.4 - Massaging The Baby's Left Arm

    8. Step 4 - Massaging The Baby's Legs

    9. Step 4.1 - Massaging The Baby's Right Leg

    10. Step 4.2 - Moving Upwards Along The Baby's Right Leg

    11. Step 4.3 - Finding The Acupressure Point On The Baby’s Right Leg - Part 1

    12. Step 4.4 - Finding The Acupressure Point On The Baby’s Right Leg - Part 2

    13. Step 4.5 - Stroking Down The Baby's Right Leg

    14. Step 4.6 - Massaging The Baby's Left Leg

    15. Step 5 - Massaging The Baby's Feet (Reflexology)

    16. Step 5.1 - Moving From The Heel To The Ball Of The Baby’s Right Foot

    17. Step 5.2 - Massaging the Baby's Toes (Right Foot)

    18. Step 5.3 - Stimulating the Baby's Stomach (Right Foot)

    19. Step 5.4 - Stimulating the Baby's Colon (Right Foot)

    20. Step 5.5 - Stimulating the Baby's Small Intestines (Right Foot)

    21. Step 5.6 - Moving From The Heel To The Ball Of The Baby’s Left Foot

    22. Step 5.7 - Massaging the Baby's Toes (Left Foot)

    23. Step 5.8 - Stimulating the Baby's Stomach (Left Foot)

    24. Step 5.9 - Stimulating the Baby's Colon (Left Foot)

    25. Step 5.10 - Stimulating the Baby's Small Intestines (Left Foot)

    26. Step 6 - Massaging The Baby's Lower Back

    27. Step 7 - Massaging The Baby's Face

    28. Step 7.1 - Massaging The Baby's Forehead

    29. Step 7.2 - Stroking From The Baby's Forehead To The Temples

    30. Step 7.3 - Massaging The Baby's Temples

    31. Step 7.4 - Piching The Baby's Eyebrows

    32. Step 7.5 Massaging Along The Baby's Cheek Bone

    33. Step 7.6 - Massaging The Baby's Cheeks - Part I

    34. Step 7.7 - Massaging The Baby's Cheeks - Part II

    35. Step 7.8 - Massaging Along The Baby's Jawbone

    36. Step 7.9 - Massaging The Baby's Ears

    1. How To Combine This Treatment With Shonishin Treatments

About this course

  • Free
  • 45 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Nathalie Kaufmann

Mother and Co-Founder of Care About Little Ones with almost 20 years of experience in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shonishin, Massage Therapy, Reflexology, Herbal Medicine and Nutrition. 

Former Head of Maternity Acupuncture Clinic at Whittington Hospital in London.

About TCM

TCM is short for “Traditional Chinese Medicine”. It is based on the belief that Qi (which is just a different word for the body’s energy) flows through the body and nurtures the organs and muscles.

It is responsible for a person’s phyiscal, emotional and mental health. If the body is not in balance, Qi can get stuck and cause health-related problems. Because of that, Traditional Chinese Medicine aims to restore the body’s balance. 

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